Thursday, April 12, 2012

Can I change the LAN port from 4 to something else?

[:1]Hi, the instructions for LAN in the readme file is misleading. Let me post it here below. My issue is that it says you can change the port, but this game uses LAN port 4. My friend is having issues going online with GPG net, so we want to use a program like Tunngle to connect between our PCs.
Within the game, it shows the tunngle ip correctly, but the port is 4. I have port forwarded tcp/udp port 4 on my computer, but it still doesn't work.
Please note that I was able to host this game in LAN at my house with two network PCs, so I know the LAN does work. It is just frustrating when I try to do direct IP connect over the internet outside of GPGnet. Any insight or links to other threads greatly appreciated!
LAN and Direct IP Multiplayer Connect:
Players can connect to each other either locally over a Local Area Network (LAN) or remotely via direct IP connection. Both connection types use the TCP/IP protocol. To host or join either type of game, click Multiplayer > LAN/IP.
Host a LAN or Direct IP game:
1) From the Main Menu, click Multiplayer > LAN/IP.
2) Enter your nickname.
3) Click “Host”.
4) Enter the Game Name that you want other players to see.
5) Enter a custom port or leave it set to “Auto” (recommended).
6) Click “Create”.
If you have players joining via Direct IP, you will need tell them your IP address, along with the Port on which the game is running. The game will tell you the current Port number in the chat area of the Game Lobby.
Join a LAN game:
1) From the Main Menu, click Multiplayer > LAN/IP.
2) Enter your nickname.
3) Click on any available games in the highlighted Server List window. Information on that game will be displayed in the Server Information window to the right.

Join via Direct IP:
1) From the Main Menu, click Multiplayer > LAN/IP.
2) Enter your nickname.
3) Click the “IP Address/Hostname” field at the bottom of the window. This area will become highlighted, and a cursor will appear in the field.
4) Enter a valid IP address or Hostname into the “IP Address/Hostname” field.
5) Enter the Port number in the “Port” field.

If you wish to join a LAN game instead, simply click in the “Server List” window to highlight it, choose a server, and press Join as normal.|||No one knows? Can I send this to Chris Taylor himself?|||Hi versatileninja, as far as i know from the readme, the UDP ports that SpaceSiege uses are: 6112 and 9104 - both UDP for LAN game and ports 30340 and 30341 -also UDP for GPGnet.
Try to use Auto port settings and forward udp ports 6112 and 9104.
However it turns out let me know, i would like to play also.
By the way do you guys have problems wit resetting multi-player accounts?
Astorian|||astorian|||Hi reddev33, thank you for the info! It seems i have to forward the port 6112 on my router so i can host a lan game.
Only pity the mp save is not working and XP compatibility does not help there.
best regards,
Astorian|||i don't think that there is a bug fix for the mp save fix :(|||reddev33|||do you know where it says teh space seige lan and online saves?
if the os is to blame then there somethink in the coding doing it that it win 7 and vista only.|||The saves are stored at My Documents\My Games\Space Siege\Save
I try to look into it deeper, maybe there is a debug log that can be enabled. At least we could see what is the problem.
best regards,
Astorian|||I just tryied and it seems that it has saved my charchers name and the number of complete missons eg.
later today i'll check if after 1 of the missions is done see if it saves it again.|||reddev33

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