Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Links to Space Siege Media


By popular demand, we have opened this sticky which will be used to link all Space Siege media and downloads!

Fell free to comment on them and enjoy!

The Website

Official Space Siege Web Site

The Demo

Exclusive nZone Space Siege Demo

Media and Trailers

The 'War' Trailer

The newest Space Siege trailer presenting the epic struggle between Seth Waker in his mission to save the remnants of the human race from the Kerak.


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CGI Trailer

The first Space Siege trailer released, showing the CGI cut-scenes and briefly explaining the story.


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Gameplay Trailer (CES 2008)

Gameplay footage from CES08, showing the basic mechanics and every one's favourite combat bot, HR-V.


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CES 2008 In-Depth Interview

Interesting interview with Chris Taylor regarding Space Siege's new and streamlined mechanics.


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Gametrailers Exclusive Trailer

A mix of pre-alpha gameplay footage and CGI.


Low Resolution|High Resolution|||Quote:|||Gnats3|||I notice how Chris Taylor is the credited in one of the trailers as creator of Dungeon Siege, but .. not Supreme Commander.|||The Core Commander|||TonViper|||Mr Off Topic|||DeadMG|||Bleater|||I vaguely recall people talking about some sort of fan-made clone, or remake or something like that.|||Cool stuff you got there.

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