Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hotkey Customization...HOW?!?

[:1]title says it all: how do you customize hotkeys?

do you honestly mean to tell me that this game is so bassackwards to conventions that I can't set hotkeys to what I want?|||That is realy insane!

and i think it is impossible to fire and move with your character at the same time!!! :evil:|||Here is a tool, that will let you remap hotkeys in Space Siege:


If you want to remap keys you can use the open source program AutoHotKey. I've used it for years (I'm a programmer).

For instance, to remap the middle mouse button to be "evade" instead of "move camera" and f to be "health pack" add this to the script:

#IfWinActive ahk_class gpgwndclass_spacesiege_exe

MButton::e ;Evade

f::h ;Health


After adding the above to the script, right click on the tray icon (the green H) and click "Reload This Script". And there you go.

Note - this will NOT affect any application besides Space Siege since I added the class name of the program in the script.

Open the help file (which is great) and search for "hotkey" to get the full list of keys and buttons.

Posted by gerstena on the Sega forums. Check link for more examples/info. Good luck!|||Sticky.|||Not "officially" supported (i.e. we haven't been able to test this), so use at your own risk, but for the record, Col. Jessep is a class act in my book.

Please report any problems you may have with this workaround here for ease of monitoring.


- Servo|||I used Autohotkey to play Guild Wars with a PS2 pad :D

I had left stick for movement and right stick to rotate the camera :)

I had to use some fancy code to make the right stick work as holding right mouse button down & moving the mouse.

If one was sufficiently motivated, it's not impossible to make an autohotkey script that maps a joystick (or some keys) to "click the mouse button onscreen to the right/left/up/down of the character."|||Well, I dont have Space Siege so...

But I guess you would make a lot of people very happy around here if you could get this working AZ.

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