Monday, April 16, 2012

Camera fix?

Hello, I am not new to this game but I recently replaced my hard drive with a new, better one. So I had to re-install all the programs I had before. I have never had this problem before but now it occurred.

When I play any kind of match, including tutorial, I get the problem that when I zoom in, some kind of locking the mouse occurs.

The mouse becomes invisible and when I move the mouse, without clicking, the camera view is changed. When I move the mouse to the right, the camera rotates clockwise and if I click, without holding down the button, there appears a square, the one that comes if you hold the mouse button and drag. Does anyone recognize this? If you do, please answer this topic or PM me.

This error only occurs if I have zoomed in enough to make the strategic, colored icons for the different units. If I zoom out, everything goes back to normal.|||Are you talking about Supreme Commander? Because if so I think this is in the wrong forum (i.e. the Space Siege forums), which means virtually no one will see it.|||oh, sorry. Yes, I meant for supreme commander, I thought this was the right section, sorry.|||No worries, I just wanted to make sure you knew to repost it. Otherwise I doubt anyone else would have seen it to help you (and sorry that I can't help you, hopefully someone in the right forum will know a fix).

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