Thursday, April 12, 2012

Is there anything happen here?

[:1]Whats going on here? Is GPG working on anything that will improve and advance the game?

A balance patch? Or is anyone at Sega/GPG thinking the game is perfectly balanced in skilltrees and weapons? Where is the sense in playing the campaing(single and multi) staying human? Cyborgs are all the way tougher and stronger than humans.

A small content patch with some maps for mp? There are no items to collect in this game, so the only thing that can keep the game going is new maps.

Another difficulty mode for single & multiplayer?


Iam very disappointed about the fact that nothing happens here, because space siege is actually the only game of its kind and is much fun. But to keep such games alive it is necessary to come up with some patches and content, and after that with an add-on pack.

So long ..|||there forums are so dead... i posted like right when the game came out months ago, and the post is still on the front page and only has 2 replies...

no idea... i played it, thought it didn't suck... it has 0 replay ability though.

saw all the endings on you tube, cause its not worth going threw the EXACT same thing 3 times.|||Unlike games that are marketed for their "40 hours of gameplay" and bores me after 10 of those hours, I expected Space Siege to be short and I didn't get bored a single second.|||Legion Darrath|||Well unfortunately the interest in the game is erm rather low

Tbh I don't even bother logging in to the space siege server anymore, when I do, I'm always alone -_-|||Attempting to defibrillate this forum.

(wtf defibrillate isn't in Chrome's dictionary??)|||Flat-lined....|||time-of-death; shortly after release day.|||BulletMagnet|||Legion Darrath|||Vid-szhite|||/BulletMagnet uses Chrome exclusively for everything except playing BrokenPictureTelephone.

Chrome is pretty damn good, more-so if you use a lot of web-apps (or Web 2.0 if you prefer to call it that).

that rumour about Google wanting to hoard all your data is crap; they copy-pasted the legal agreement from another program without actually going through and making sure it was the right one. they fixed that about 45 minutes after people first spamming in their blogs.

the ability to have one tab completely feck-up and not lose your entire browser is the greatest thing since tabbed browsing.|||google browers is quite fun and have you played ss online it more fun together than on your own and it rearly get boring here :D|||or you could just use SRWare Iron which is the non-data-stealing version of chrome.

Despite what Google say about Chrome not being a data-miner it is. Just use Iron and all is much better.

Oh and SS was crap unfortunately. repetitively shooting the same robots over and again is not fun :roll:|||BulletMagnet|||Game needs a ExPack that will make it not suck.

It was Fun as hell... till I finished it. Then I regreted paying full price.

I was Hopeing for DS But in space... Not even in the same ballpark... QQ||||||ya it is a bit realy|||Yeah, it was a fun game until I got HR-V and kept running back and forth between empty areas because I had already cleared them all out... it was then I realized that THIS is the whole game. Sigh.

Big disappointment, since I was a Dungeon Siege fan and was really looking forward to a Sci Fi port of it. I don't mind the overrused cliches (rogue AI taking over the ship to "protect humanity", voice logs of dead crew, survival of humanity, etc) because I love that stuff. What I did mind was the lack of a loot system and almost complete absence of any real customizability. The weapons/robot/armor/cyber portion of the game really would have benefited from upgrade slots and modules that were hot swappable, rather than generic point-buy. This alone would encourage me to replay the game.

Speaking of replay, a couple of randomly generated "dungeon" areas and "wandering monsters" (especially in those boring empty areas that have already been cleared) would spice things up a bunch.

But alas, it looks like GPG and Sega have all but abandoned this game. Sadness.|||ya it is a shame but they need to make it more interesting now|||I'm making it interesting by playing through using only the psi-blade thingy and the shard powers. A cakewalk until you get to the laser turrets and robots. It's fun, and makes for a very different experience. I highly recommend it.

I let my HRV die a horrible death and haven't built another, all my points are going into my combat tree, and my blade is maxed out. I don't know whether I'm going to go 100% pure, because the cyber arm looks very tempting. Anyone else try anything like this?|||it ok i got bored of it cause it'd the same thimng over and over again :(

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