Friday, April 13, 2012

need death in multiplayer

[:1]The infinite respawn in multiplayer kind of ruins any bit of strategy there is...the game needs to have a death penalty...such as the team has to play the rest of the lvl without you, or respawn the lvl from the start.

Otherwise, even on the max difficulty, there is no real challenge.

GPG has been totally silent on all questions/requests/ideas regarding making this game even better. Is there any desire on behalf of GPG to work on some of the things that would make SS better? if so, we should start a specific thread for that....

Any comment Chris, or GPG people?|||SS wasnt meant to be a hardcore game anyways, so I doubt they'll be terribly receptive to ideas that increase "the challenge".

Play Devil May Cry 4 on PC instead. Oh, you said multiplayer, well, never mind :)|||ReadyMan

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