Does anyone else think the protagonist is way too fresh and bland looking? He could really use an art makeover in my opinion.|||Looking at him again, I totally agree. His face leaves a lot to be desired. He looks like one of my KotOR characters, but without the facial hair or the awesomeness. The guy on the front page of the SS website does look a little odd. I hope he looks better ingame.|||Yeah, I agree. He is rather boring looking, and the cybernetic head replacement looks bad too.|||More contemplation: he looks like a sidekick, not the main character. The robot looks more like a badass savior of humanity. The protagonist here looks like Barney from Halflife.|||AZ: Barney FARKING owns.
Barney > Gordon Freeman :)|||More tattoos! PIERCINGS! XTREME!|||Needs better Cybernetic parts, his all suffer from an ugly Virus.
Mike|||Chris Taylor said in an interview that there will be no female character to save money (which is totally fine with me). But PLEASE let us customize the main character for ourselves a bit! Something like the character generation in Oblivion or Mass Effect would be nice. I dont like to play a RPG when I cant adjust the main characters looks to my liking.
Also what AZ said, he looks bland like a NPC who gets killed in a side quest. Right now I would prefer every character form the SupCom campaign.|||The only ugly cybernetic part that I noticed was the head. The rest were okay.|||Gnats3|||I'm talking about the "brain enhancement" upgrade shown on It was also shown in the newest video at about 0:26 when the camera circles Seth as he adds the upgrades.
The first time through the game I would probably not install it because when I do single-player in games like this, I usually go through once doing whatever I feel like, then if I like the game enough, I'll go through again doing the extremes (all cybernetics or no cybernetics). I do the extremes later because usually it results in differences in the storyline, and is usually more efficient than doing a mix. In multiplayer I would probably use it, assuming the bonuses are worth it.
I mostly dislike it because it doesn't really seem to go with the other upgrades. It would probably look better if it fit in with the other upgrades, which seem to be more silver shiny metal instead of this darker metal. It also seems to make the face look smaller and bonier while the other upgrades bulk up the character.
Oh, and welcome to the forums
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