Friday, April 13, 2012

Story behind the little girl running

[:1]So i beat SS last night. Although i did a decent job of keeping up on the story line through those little data pads that are left on the floor, i never got a resolution to that little girl who runs through maps when you first enter a large room. i caught up with her a few times, but nothing happened. Any thoughts?|||i was thinking it was that guys "daughter" from the messages.|||We know it was the guys daughter and he did catch her in the end as a mutant but what was the point of it. It was storyline that never got started.|||yeah it really didn't make much sense in the end. i with they had done more with the story.

man this game could of been better. they must of had some serious reasons for making the game at such a lower standard then some of us expected.|||at first the laughing of the girl was freaking me out...I would just catch a glimpse of her, then later I saw her full on as she ran by.

In the end, just before you meet up with Jake, a 4 legged mutant says "there you are Clara, no need to worry, daddy's here"...or something like that. That's it.

yes, I really like space siege, but the atmosphere could have been so much better...

I kept thinking of Aliens (the movie) as I was playing, and how some creepy music and intense situations would have REALLY made this game great.

I still like it though....just needs a few mods...or an xpack|||As I played Space Siege I couldnt help but feel its story telling style (and the story itself) was just a pale imitation of other games like System Shock 2.|||AdmiralZeech|||DeadMG|||ReadyMan|||FieryBalrog|||Bioshock's story was actually pretty good. But they could have pulled it off better, the RPG aspects of Bioshock were basically a complete waste of time, and it would have been nice if the game had decided if it wanted to be a thriller or an FPS instead of trying to be both at once, and failing miserably.|||Maledicus|||In a dot-point book form, Bioshock's story is probably as good or better than SS2's. Although I found the very shallow "moral dilemma" to be rather insulting to my intelligence.

SS2 didnt really have much of a story, it was merely a journey through fetch quests with lots of detailed backstory to give its world atmosphere and texture. The story pretty much goes: 1. Stuff happens... 2. Dramatic Twist.... 3. Boss fight.... 4. "She got infected OMFG!!!"....

But the reason SS2 is put on a gamer's pedestal and Bioshock is not, is because of gameplay and depth. There are very few first-person RPGs as good as SS2, so it's pretty unique.

Also SS2 has coop multi, which was like the infinitely rare holy grail of gaming at the time. (now more common on the consoles, thank the gaming gods.)

Bioshock was mostly a shooter, and its shooting gameplay wasnt even up to scratch with other shooters of its era. The powers you get didnt really change the basic nature of the game much. In fact, probably even less than HL2's gravity gun.|||I hope DeadMG is trolling. For his sake.

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