Thursday, April 12, 2012

SS Server: "Login Failed, Please Verify..."

[:1]"... Username and Password and try again."

Funny thing is, this ONLY happens when I try to use the Space Siege Server. I switch to the SupCom Server, I login, no problem.

Any Ideas?|||I am sure you already tried this, but for clarity, you already entered your Space Siege CD-key? SupComm credentials don't get you very far on the Space Siege server.

- Servo|||I can't login to the Space Siege server to enter my CD-Key, I'm stuck at the GPGnet login screen (you know, the 'select server, select game, enter username and password' screen).|||Okay second question. When you are at that screen, is the Server set to "Space Siege Server" and the Game set to "Space Siege"? If you installed to a non-standard location, you may need to point GPGnet to the new location for your install using the "Manage Games" link right at the top.

- Servo|||I installed to the default location (and double-checked the setting anyways), and it doesn't make a difference if I choose Chat Only or Space Siege (just retried again with both choices).|||In reading the thread it seems possible you've not created an account on the Space Siege Server. It may not be readily apparent, but separate user accounts are required for each server - SC server accounts do not carry over to the SS server automatically.

If you have not already created a new account on the Space Siege Server, doing so should allow you to log in and specify your SS CD key when you specify SS as the active game.|||Uh, yeah, that would be it. Thanks for pointing that out.

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