Friday, April 13, 2012

Hey GPG, maybe now you can fix Supreme Commander

[:1]You know, since you're done Space Siege and all. Maybe you can actually support your games after they're released.

For those of you not acquainted with GPG's support record, it's now been five months since Forged Alliance was last patched, and there are gaping balance issues with the game one of which is the cost of naval units, which causes everyone to not really use them extensively.

Don't be surprised if Space Siege receives the same level of crappy support after it's released.

- coldboot|||And the DungeonSiege2 Add-On. -.-|||coldboot|||I beg to differ:

Kal_Jerico|||Kal_Jerico|||Col. Jessep|||HighFlyer15|||The problem isn't GPG, it's THQ.

THQ don't want to spend any more money on SupCom, so they won't let GPG make any patches or anything for it.

Blame the publisher, not the developer.|||PheonixIV|||Theres probably a contract that sais THQ has to run a QA test before a patch can be released. At least they have to agree to a new patch. Somebody hinted that the next patch wouldnt have to go through THQs QA some time ago. Maybe THQ and PG came to some sort of agreement.

Anyway, the (according to TCC almost finished) patch has been axed or at least delayed till further notice. It seems GPG isnt really interested in SupCom or FA atm. I guess the xbox release didnt go so well and GPG didnt make enough money to pay for another FA patch.

Space Siege will be released next week, all of the former SupCom devs have new projects or have left GPG and FAs lead balancing engineer is now lead developer for Demigod. Everybody whos left from the SPace Siege team will be working on a patch for it or is on Maui.

So what are the chances to get a new patch? It would be a nice surprise but I wouldnt count on it. Doesnt mean we have to keep quiet. I had hopes that at least GPGnet would be fixed for FA now. :evil:|||5i1|||Col. Jessep|||coldboot|||The support for FA was not horrible, its never going to reach Blizzard levels of polish but the game works well enough and the balance is not so bad as to be unplayable.|||HighFlyer15|||Kal_Jerico|||Gas Powered Games really needs to expand and start publishing their own games, instead of developing more games and hiring outside publishers to market them. All the legal rhetoric could be sidestepped and they could then give 100% support to their games.

I am not a businessperson and am therefore making comments that I really have no idea how hard it would be to actually implement, but it seems the next logical step for GPG would be to start making the move to publish what they create.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking GPG or their games, I still love to play and now mod the DS series.

Just hoping for a brighter future I guess. :)|||Col. Jessep|||Thats what I meant with FA needs a patch. There are plenty of other bugs that sound minor but are really annoying:

Quote:|||Col. Jessep|||Image

nice play coldboot.

/BulletMagnet tips hat to coldboot.|||Quote:|||Kal_Jerico|||DeadMG|||Off-topic, and full of pointless flames.

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