is starting to look slightly epic.|||i was listening to "when the lights are down" by kamelot as i started watching this, it finished buffering about 1/3rd f the way through the song and somehow the video synced absolutely perfectly.
'twas truly an epic thing.
oh btw, we saw all that cool spceship CGI crap. is that actually any part of the game, or is it all just spacemarine RPG in techno diablo-land?
because the actual gameplay looked poretty meh, but that space stuff looked absolutely awsome.|||stupid advertisements keep crashing my computer >.<
any other places to get this trailer?|||From what I understand, this is basically Dungeon Siege in space, hence Space Siege.
Someone correct me if I'm totally off base here.
Also is there any gameplay trailer?|||FieryBalrog|||Z32|||I hope all the fancy fight scenes were in-game. It actually looked interesting.|||Well, I wasn't interested in this before, but now I am.|||Space Siege is using the PhysX SDK, btw.|||Name reminded me of Starsiege. And since Dungeon Siege sucked, now I want a new Tribes game again ;.;|||The beginning looks the same from the original trailer which confused me, but the rest is looking pretty nice.
Go check out for more info too, it's a lot nicer than the supcom site.|||It has been "dumbed" down.. from Dungeon Siege!
I wont to bother.|||zAPPzAPP|||Nicocat|||Those Cyborg parts look ugly.
I wonder how "Moddable" Space Siege is supposed to be >.>
I feel blind.|||AngryZealot|||DreamcastJunkie|||I'll listen more closely later, but the only studio effects I remember come when he's singing as the devil.|||Does the protagonist look incredibly generic to anyone else?|||Well, I really liked the music, and the kick + 'lightsaber' to gut was EPIC.
I've also noticed HR-V's walking sounds are from of TA's GCI cutscenes TheArmCommander, they can be heard in the one of the older videos, the presentation one, but that was Alpha.
For the final version they HAVE TO BE changed to TheCoreCommander's walking sounds. |||Poita_|||AngryZealot
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