Thursday, April 12, 2012

Multiplayer is broken

[:1]Too bad, thought this game was at least good enough to blast some Kerak/Cyborgs from time to time online...

Seems SS has some trouble saving multiplayer characters. So starting either a LAN or GPGNet session works once, but next time you try your character is reset.

What SS does is, it sequentially overrides any "*.ss1mpsave.ss1bak1..n" files.

EDIT: "yourcharacter.ss1mpsave" is of course the first file being overridden, so make backups before trying multiplayer.

Fortunately I still have one copy of my character. So, should this be fixed, I can hopefully restore it.|||Also tried

- all three Vista compatibility modes,

- created my character in GPGNet or SS directly

- ran SS as admin

Does not change anything.|||I'm right there with you. I'd given up on it for a while since I hadn't heard of anyone else having the problem, but I'm writing up a ticket to Sega Support right now.

I'll be sure to post if I hear anything back.|||Cool, thanks! Should have thought of that too...

Hope they do something about that, since mp doesnt really make sense right now...

Please post a link and possible replies here too...|||I've just sent over a copy of my DxDiag.txt for the support representative to look over. Hopefully I'll have news to post here in short order.|||I played multiplayer on this a few times... you're not missing much. More importantly, the spage siege gpgnet server is always empty... you will never find anyone logged on, not even GPGbot.|||Yep, this game is (by far...) not as popular as SupCom, but at leat MP should work no matter how many ppl actually play...|||One would hope it would. Although from the sounds of it the tech support works about as well as the multiplayer component of the game.

I was asked to send over my DXDiag and then asked if I had tried reinstalling. I sent over the file and then informed him that I had tried reinstalling. Haven't heard a word back since January 21st. Not sure where that process got hung up.

Just a heads up that I have not forgotten. You may want to lodge your own request on Sega's troubleshooting system and see if you get any better luck than I have.|||Hi there,

i played the space siege MP shortly after release for a few weeks. It was allways empty, only few ppl joined there. BUT i had the luck to meet a guy who really enjoyed the game like i did and so we had much fun with the online-campaign for a few weeks. I think many ppls missed how much fun the game is especially in MP because it is more like a coop shooter than a dungeon siege a-rpg.

The biggest issue is .. there is no support of any kind from GPG or Sega with an add-on or another map-pack. And so after you tried several skill-combinations and beat all the maps with the differen difficulty modes it becomces boring. Not because the game itself is boring, but there is nothing new.|||Hi there,
I realize this game is dust basically because there seems to be no support from gpg atm ( old'ish game of course who knew ), but my friend and I really enjoy GPG's, and this is no different. I find it pathetic and vile that so many 'reviewers', and many gamers think that just because it isn't JUST like its predacessor, that its not worth much so they abuse it and make it seem not worthy for those looking into such things, but thankfully My friend and I think more than one dimensionally and aren't a push over for critics and their meandering. I wanted to get that out of the way, because I appreciate what GPG went to do with making this 'unique' (* as seen in video dev talk *) game and I really am enjoying it, no matter that its not chock FULL of rpg dialogue ;)
Having said that, - we are unable to get our MP game characters to save their missions, meaning everytime we login ( or at least mine atm ) we have to start all over again, and as you can imagine this is unacceptable, no matter how much fun the game is, we might be going only SP and if so I plan on enjoying it alot.
We have yet to run GPGlogin as admin and redo initital mission, but Im hoping that before we go to that extreme, that someone might know for sure what needs to be done to remedy this ?
I really like all gpg's including this one with its faults, as to me its just a variation on a DS theme and I dont mind that at all , and my friend and I are really enjoying it frankly .
P.S.> like many games on the market, I think you lost a HUGE opportunity not providing a 'game editor' like you did in dungeon siege for spacesiege, as imagine the kewl mod's people would have made and that it would have extended the game alot I think. I do want to point out that I dont think all editors are created equal though, and game developers might do well to look at the huge success of bioware's aurora toolset ( and the new one in nwn2 I suppose ) and possibly learn from that ( it takes a LONG time to load DS editor and on top of that its not real intuitive, but having it for SS would at least have been a very nice option I think )

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